HAHAHAS!! omg..i look weird...haas my messy bunj..wanted to tie a bun cause its kinda HOT today the weather..so yeah....hmms
Friday, May 29, 2009
yo!! omg it felt years since i last update..hais...sorry!! anyways...today's my last day of the camp!!! cool!!! ended early but stayed in school for some fun...had many problems recently..shan't tell it here that's cause its very open but i'll rite it in my journal...its kinda confidential..anyways was made ACDO yesterday..my god...i totally freaked out...herhs!!! nvm..first time lehs!!! OMG...thought i sounded weird..but yeah i survived it!!! shit..~ next week take report bok les....hais i'll be grounded for sure....damn..~ yeah...~ ohoh i took some pictures of the bun i tied messily..haas thought it looked rather great though...maybe not...hmms...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?-when i had my Ballet Exam
2. What did you dream last night?- I dreamt of my IDOL...hahahas
3. Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?- not really I ring up people's phone ...to be exact...haas
4. Give a little whistle(.......)- huh....? NO...
5. What are you doing tmr?- wait for results and prepare to DIE....
6. What is something you learned about yourself recently?- I'm a total Failure In Life...I can't do anything right...I'm an asshole...
7. Do you like anyone?- currently NO...have no time for that....
8. Do you know anyone who is married?- My mum...
9. what is your favourite number?- erm...say, 11 ???
10. Who was the last person who made you cry?- Myself...I tiink too much..again...
11. Are you outgoing?- Guess so...yeah not sure
12. When was the last tym you cried?- Today..but I swear its not entirely because of my results...something else
13. What is one thing you miss about your past?- When i was still ignorance of what's going on...when i'm still happy with life....
14.What is one thing you've learned about life?- Life is NEVER FAIR...
15.Are you jealous of anyone?- Nope...currently
16. Is anyone jealous of you?- Heaven knows!!!...maybe...du ji wo de shen cai!!! hahahas
17. Have you ever used a friend?- meaning, have i ever make use of my friend??? if that's what you're asking than NO!!!
18. Do you think anyone likes you?- Nope....hahahas
19. Who was the last person you drove with?- I don't Drive...
20. What are you looking forward to?- My outing on Sunday with wierdo..hahahas
21. How are you today?- Horrid....
22. What's your worst experience?- When i had to wear them....
23. Are you currently single?- Yes...!
24. How many things in your past do you regret?- More than words can say...
25. Do you have a best friend?- YES!!
26. Have you ever kissed two people in one day?- Yes...on friendship day....of the same gender....hahahas
27. Have you ever been in the emergency room?- Nope....but i thought i must interesting to go in....hahahas!
28. What's the last movie you watched?- The Uninvited..omg...that's my first HORROR movie in like 14 years...hahahas it sounds stupid...
29. If you could change anything about your past, what would you change?- Myself
30. Have you ever felt like killing somebody?- yes...my irritating brother....
31. Do you like your life?- Currently no but still...YES....
32. When was the last time you were extremely?- Huh??
33. What kind of music do you like?- Classic an Emo music..haas
34. Ever have an encounter with the police?- No....
35. Do you have more friends that are girls or guys?- More girl-friends....
36. How long have you had myspace?- huh??
37. Have you ever fallen asleep with someone of the opposite sex?- NO!! Definately not...hmms
38. What's one thing you wish you could be better about?- My health...bahs
39. Have you ever had feelings for someone who lived in another state?- Nope...
40. What are some of your biggest fears of your life?- so far..watching horror movies....
41. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?- Yes...many times..
42. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?- Yes...friends...
43. Do you play any instruments?- once in a while..probably....
44. Have you kissed any one on your top list?- Huh....???
45. Do you like to sing?- errm...surre...quite..not a good singer though...
46. What's the one thing you hope to accomplish in your life?- Being sucessful...
47. Are looks important?- Guess so....to girls...yes...
48. What are you listening to?- Emo music..
49. What does the 8th text you sent on your mobile say?- Not sure...mobile phone currently not with me....
50. Do you believe in love?- No..bahs...maybe I will...someday...
Tag 5 people to do this quiz:1. lala
2. Alicia
3. Rajes
4. Sangeetha
5. anyone else..
2. Alicia
3. Rajes
4. Sangeetha
5. anyone else..
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hellorhs!! people..omg very long never update blog liaos...mum keep the broadband for so long man!! hahahas!! last week was Mam Ting Ting birthday!!! haas!! went to ngee ann poly to look for her!! had quite some fun..hurt my foot man!! was carless..hais..than went to white sands to buy mother's day gift...got my mummy a necklace!! next time take photo show you bahs!!! took some pictures which i took from calvin's blog...hmms...exams are near....hais study study!!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
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