Hellorh! Im back from my Advance NCO camp!! =D there's another assessment day, Method of Instruction on the 17th July 2010 that day would determine if we pass or fail this Advance NCO course.. its really stressing huh? omg...the camp was held in Henderson!! yea!! but after the camp we still need pack up the sickbay and the school :( tired...ahahhah! the camp was interesting, we had this Exercise White Unicorn part 1 and this cool amazing race which requires to go to each station and gain bullets to shoot other ships! its called "Battle the ships". it goes like this, we had the exercise white unicorn part 1 where we apply our FA skils to save as much casualties as possible and for each we save, we get a certain amount of coins aka Manikoins...we use the amount we earn to buy ships, shields and bombs and have these different weapons to place at our battle
10-by-10 grid map...we would then go on this amazing race and earn bullets! the winner sis decided by the group that has the least number of ships squares shot! My platoon won! Im in Alpha one! hahah! cool right! who would ever thought of such cool ideas? hehehe! :) everything else in camp was good and ok :) I heard next year they are going to combine BNCO and ANCO together! OMG! I'm sooo going to be a trainer there! :) see my Juniors die!! I cant train them :( soo rebellious.hais! i hope they go and die badly then they will learn! :) haha! I very bad leh...XD LOL! Shall end here fr now.. :)