Monday, October 12, 2009

Blogging again. Oh well the first day of my DEPRESSION's a little different..I'm kept in suspense..shoots!!! I really am dead went out and enjoy, mum got pissed off cause since last week even during exam periods I was hanging out didn't go home early. So, mum got pissed off and her daughter here is currently pissed off by mummykins DARLING sister!!@!*&#$@!! Oh for Christ sake's! why in the world do I have aunts that are like that?! Highly Irritating and a pain in the ass...heehee is rude huh..okok..shan't be rude but I really dislike my big aunt!!! She really is such a pain, a hindrance to my life and an extra human being that is almost a stranger to me..that flows about the same blood as I have(whatsoever)....!! Goodness Gracious ME!!! GOD! for pete's sake she should just get off my back!!!! ARRGGGHHH!!!!!!

Anyway...shan't talk about that horrid went to Cathay Cineleisure @ Orchad watched movie...imagine everyone is a robot..that is controlled by a real human.....while the real human stays at home to control the robot that's walking out in the streets...NICE movie..although I don't really understand..but in general..that's about it. heehee OHOH! something nice I spotted today..HAHAHA! went to a mall just right infront of the Cathay Cineleisure...(couldn't rmb the name..) for lunch..than bumped into this sales guy who starts talking abput the product his selling...did some experiment on my fourth finger...and..IT SHINES!! hahaha! its not any nail polish..its just some buffering and cuticle care for really does shine!!! it feels like a piece of THIN GLASS ON YOUR NAIL!!! hahaha! it a littler exxagerating a must admit but hees that's what he say! LOLS..aND cost 50 bucks with some cucumber and melon lotion..I WANT IT!!! but its too expensive not cost 70bucks initially...but 50 was adiscount..he made me want to buy it..but..hees I'M BANKRUPT!! HAIYOO! sad lehs..oh's hard when it comes to CASH AND EXAMINATIONS....

That an AnG mOh!!! from AmErIcA...tiink soo..He's so HAND-SOME!!! hahaha!! the way he pronounces my name is sooo...american EnGlIsH!!! really love it!! hahaha! I wished I was born an AmErIcAiN...sometimes..went home late today about 5plus plus...mummykins grounding me!! so horrid! humph!!! don't like her and HaTe my biggest aunt! HUMPH!

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